chains from the drain

chains from the drain

Monday, March 11, 2013

When I first received the missive informing me that my story The Pubic Hair Tumbleweed had been accepted for Bloodbound Books' extreme horror anthology DOA II, I thought, "Awesome." However, when I saw the cover and the names writ thereupon, including the best extreme horror author of all time Wrath James White (and numerous other heavyweights), I thought the fine folks at Bloodbound must've meant to send me a rejection but somehow I got an acceptance by mistake. Now that I know that's not the case, I'm forced to conclude either it's a different Wrath James White (it's a pretty common name), or something far more Phil Dickian is going down.

Authors include:
Wrath James White
Jack Ketchum
J. F. Gonzalez
Robert Devereaux
David Quinn
Monica J. O'Rourke
Shane McKenzie
Daniel I Russell
Raymond Little
Laura J. Campbell
Calie Voorhis
Thomas Pluck
Ken MacGregor
Kristopher Triana
J.S. Reinhardt
Harper Hull
Joshua Dobson
Kerry G.S. Lipp
Anton Cancre
K. Trap Jones
D. Lynn Smith
Robert Essig
Kelly M. Hudson
Gregory L. Norris
Matt Kurtz
John McNee
David Bernstein